Dalaroo Metals Ltd (ASX: DAL, “Dalaroo” or “Company”) is pleased to advise that it has entered into a binding heads of agreement (“Agreement”) with Ox Resources Pty Ltd (“Vendor”) to potentially acquire the Zr-Nb-REE Blue Lagoon Project (tenement MEL 2022-07) (“Project”) located in the Gadar Province of South Greenland (refer Figure 1 and 3). The Project has been historically sampled as part of a regional stream sediment program undertaken by the Greenland and Denmark Geological Society (‘GEUS”) for uranium exploration in 1979.
Binding Heads of Agreement executed for an Option to acquire 100% of Blue Lagoon Zirconium-Niobium-Rare Earth Element (REE) Project, (MEL 2022-07), located in the Gadar Province of Greenland.
The USGS reports Greenland has the third highest reserves of REE in the western world, following US and Australia respectively, which has significance given current geopolitical dynamics and security of supply chain concerns.
President Trump’s recent interest in Greenland as a source of critical resources and its strategic location highlights the growing importance Greenland has for critical metals and their ownership.
The Project has been historically sampled as part of a regional stream sediment exploration undertaken by the Greenland and Denmark Geological Society (‘GEUS”) for uranium in 1979. Dalaroo is planning a program of systematic exploration to seek to report the historical results on the Project in accordance with the JORC Code 2012.
Project has similar geochemical anomaly footprint to the Kvanefjeld (ASX: ETM Energy Transition Metals) and Kringlerne/Tanbreez (NASDAQ: CRML Critical Metals Corp) multi- element deposits in South Greenland, showing enrichment in critical minerals and high value LREE elements from regional stream sediment sampling:
Up to 0.93% Zirconium (Zr)
Up to 320 ppm in Niobium (Nb)
Up to 520 ppm in Neodymium (Nd)
Sampling has not returned any elevated radioactive elements, which is significant given the current Greenland Government ban on any activities related to mining if uranium concentrations are over 100ppm.
Project sits on the westernmost part of the highly prospective Gadar Block alkaline intrusives belt in SW Greenland. This belt hosts significant advanced critical metals-REE deposits.
Project area contains potential bulk tonnage options from beach-like deposits of weathered granitic rock, providing potential low-cost options for separation and the planned focus for preliminary work.
Dalaroo MD & CEO, Mike Brown commented “We are very excited to have secured this Option on the Blue Lagoon REE-Nb-Zr Project in Southwest Greenland. Regional stream sampling has indicated significant LREE anomalies and other critical metals that have both similar tenor to the geochemical footprint and geological setting of three other REE deposits in South Greenland. We see this as a strategic play on two levels; firstly, exposure to high demand commodities such as REE, niobium and zirconium and secondly, exposure to a highly prospective and unexplored jurisdiction that is getting significant attention with respect to the vital role Greenland could play in providing critical metals in the future. With the Project being located on the coast with ice free water we are looking forward to getting onto the ground to commence exploration activities.” "Source: Investing News Network"